School by a School


In a new integrated child centre in Leeuwarden, primary school Prins Constantijn and children’s day care centre Sinne come together under one roof. The project consists of adapting and expanding an existing school building to meet contemporary requirements, fit to house over 200 children throughout the day. Blending existing physical qualities with progressive pedagogical principles, the new building is organised around a number of learning clusters, with spaces for cooperation, play, concentration and peace. Concrete bands mark the volume's edges and openings, with daylight falling deep into the building through its atrium and a palette of natural woods and hand formed masonry used throughout. The renewal of this locally important building looks to establish the new children’s centre at the heart of its local community.

  • Clients: PCBO Leeuwarden, Sinne Kinderopvang
  • Location: Leeuwarden
  • Year: 2020
  • Programme: School
  • Status: Completed
  • Team: De Zwarte Hond, Bouwgroep Dijksma Draisma, LindHorst Huisvestingsadviseurs
  • Photography: Jordi Huisman, Max Hart Nibbrig